Why Choose CVHHH?

Cassie Bickford, CVHHH home care nurse, takes a patient's blood pressure at home

We know that you have options for home health and hospice care for yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for choosing Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice.

For over 100 years, CVHHH has provided medically-necessary health and supportive-care services to Central Vermonters in the comfort and privacy of home.

We know that home is the best place to heal. This is why we deliver medical care that was once only available in the hospital to our clients’ front doors. At home, your visit can take place in bed, in your favorite recliner, or at your kitchen table. This freedom to receive care where you are most comfortable is one of the many reasons people choose CVHHH.

Our clinicians and caregivers are experienced, licensed professionals, many of whom have certifications to provide specialized services like advanced wound care and newborn nursing care at home.

We embrace new technologies, participate in innovative pilot programs, and regularly evaluate our service offerings to ensure that we can meet your needs and support your independence.

Your Independence Matters

Independence means being able to stay in your own home. It means sleeping in your own bed and waking up every morning surrounded by familiar sights and smells. At CVHHH, we take your independence seriously. We will provide the medical care, education, and care coordination that you need to be able to maintain your independence and stay out of the hospital. This is our promise to you.

Our Quality Report Card
Reducing hospitalizations
With our support, you can avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital or emergency department. CVHHH will care for you so that you can stay where you want to be, at home.
Timely initiation of care
We will contact you within 24 hours of receiving a referral from your physician.
We embrace technology, such as in-home telemonitoring and remote visiting, to meet the evolving needs of our community.
Support with activities of daily living
We receive high marks for helping patients improve their ability to perform activities of daily living like getting out of bed and dressing.
Patient Satisfaction
Year to year, our patients rank us among the top in the state for communication and overall patient care. We are proud that the majority of our patients would recommend us!
Kim LaGue, PT, Chief Operating Officer.
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