26th Annual Hospice Memorial Golf Tournament
The clouds parted just in time for the 26th year of our popular golf tournament, which was held on Friday, June 10, 2022 at the Country Club of Barre. We will be updating this page over the next week with information about total proceeds raised and links to event photos.
Tournament Winners
- 1st Gross Jeremy Drown, Jamie Duprey, Mitch Evans, Troy Evans
- 1st Net W.A.R.M. – Elliot Curtin, Andy Emerson, Lance Allen, Johnny Mac
- 2nd Gross Ed Rousse, Bill Ellis, John Plante, Richard Bashara
- 2nd Net Wendy Watson, Brad Watson, Ray Rouleau, Chris McUin
- 3rd Gross The Mighty Duffers – Howard Hoffman, Chris Lazar, Russ Senk, Pat Twomey
- 3rd Net Chase and Chase – Craig Chase, Bill Chase, Hunter Chase, Anderson Brown
- Beat the Kit Elliot Curton
- Putting Contest Wendy Watson
- Longest Drive Men Kevin Bushway
- Longest Drive Women Jade Blais
- Closest to the Pin Women Mary Beth Pinard
- Speed Hole Cathy Systo, Paige Oakes, Jade Blais, Carolyn IX
- Pink Ball Ed Rousse
Thank You 2022 Sponsors
Eagle Sponsors

Plus: Carmen Beck, Don Carpenter, P&G Custom Sandblast, Jane & John Valentine
Par Sponsors

Plus J.A. Gould Plumbing & Heating

Kelly Finnegan, Community Relations & Events Coordinator
Have questions about sponsoring or playing in this event?
Please fill out the form below to contact Kelly Finnegan.
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